Through research and development, obz innovation gmbh creates customized coating solutions – a clear competitive advantage for our customers
Our tools for innovative coating solutions and stable, reproducible series processes are modern coating systems and spray additives. Together with leading manufacturers, we are continuously developing these technologies. This means we are always at the cutting edge of what is feasible.
Whether classic thermal spraying with plasma and high-speed flame spraying or cold gas spraying – we rely on the latest generation of systems. Thanks to close cooperation with universities and institutes, we also have access to innovative technologies such as suspension spraying and nanostructured powders that are not yet available on an industrial scale.
Our customers therefore benefit from our head start. Get ahead of the game with pioneering coating solutions!
Managing Director / Dr.-Ing. M.A. MBA SFI
Thermal spraying is based on the findings of materials science. Processes at the molecular level, which take place at interfaces and in the layers, influence key properties such as adhesion, hardness and corrosion resistance.
Our in-depth understanding of these processes enables us to develop customized solutions for a wide range of applications. Using a scientifically sound approach, we optimally combine material compositions, spraying processes (such as cold gas, HVOF, APS) and process parameters.
As every change to the process parameters influences the coating properties, sound materials science expertise is crucial. With the experience and qualifications of our team, we ensure that these interactions in industrial processes are controlled in a targeted manner.
From aluminum to zirconium oxide – we process a wide range of materials with diverse physical properties. We are increasingly combining materials to create coating solutions with contrasting properties, such as conductive surfaces on insulating layers.
Our knowledge of materials science is deeply rooted. Engineers and scientists work as a team, developing innovative coating solutions and bringing them to market quickly. The interplay of processes, parameters and material properties is the key here.
Through close cooperation with material suppliers, we have access to almost all conceivable materials and can also quickly offer new material combinations as customized coating solutions.
Your contact person
Head of Research and Development / Dr.-Ing.
Your contact person
Head of Research and Development / Dr.-Ing.
Our research activities have a direct influence on the development of new technologies and solutions. The close integration of science and practical application enables us to implement innovative coating solutions quickly and efficiently. Discover how our research results flow into the development process and drive your projects forward.
obz innovation gmbh
Elsässer Straße 10
D-79189 Bad Krozingen